(Update: Uplifting: Chandler’s Ford 42nd Joint Charities Christmas Market 2015)
The 41st Christmas Market by Chandler’s Ford Joint Charities today was magnificent.
Many local people visit the annual Christmas Market in Chandler’s Ford every year, as it is considered the best, and the most meaningful Christmas Market.
The 41st Christmas Market held at the Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church this morning was opened by Councillor Malcolm Cross.

Quick links to:
- Jubilee Sailing Trust: challenge perceptions of ability
- British Heart Foundation: our fight for every heartbeat
- Rainbow Centre: the path to grater independence
- Myaware: fighting Myasthenia together
- RNLI: saving lives at sea
- RSPB: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
- Muscular Dystrophy: leading the fight against muscle-wasting conditions
- CLIMB: Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases
- Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research: beating blood cancers
- Cystic Fibrosis: a fight we can win
- Generous donations of raffle prizes from Chandler’s Ford
Other charities include Mencap, Pancreatic Cancer, and Philippine Community Fund.
In the Linkway of the Methodist Church, there were also Boys’ Brigade, The 1st Chandler’s Ford Girls’ Brigade, and the Kenya Project UK: from Chandler’s Ford to Embu.
Jubilee Sailing Trust: challenge perceptions of ability
The mission of Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) is to promote the integration of people of all physical abilities, through the challenge of tall ship sailing aboard two very special ships, Lord Nelson and Tenacious.
JST operates a buddy system where two people are paired, one able-bodied and one physically disabled. They share the voyage and support each other. ^

I met George Vidler and his wife Dot. Between them, they have completed 15 trips with Lord Nelson and Tenacious. George told me that once when they reached Spain, the Spanish were shocked to find out that the person at the helm from England was actually blind. ^
Andy Milner: CFH News editor
I was very pleased to have met Andy Milner this morning.
Andy Milner is area co-ordinator for Eastleigh Borough Council. Andy is also the editor of CFH News, Chandler’s Ford and Hiltingbury News, which I enjoy reading each month. ^

The CFH News is packed with interesting local information. I encourage you to subscribe to the CFH News.
Andy told me he has just returned from the Atlantic crossing on Lord Nelson with the Jubilee Sailing Trust. He promised he would share his journey with us soon. ^
CLIMB: Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Caroline Husain from Chandler’s Ford has been fundraising for the charity CLIMB since 1984. Caroline is always cheery with a broad smile on her face.
Did you know Caroline also won the title of Citizen of Honour, awarded by Eastleigh Borough Council in 2009? ^

Climb is a national organisation working on behalf of children, young people, adults and families affected by metabolic disease. It is the only organisation to support all of the inherited metabolic diseases.
Caroline has been the secretary of the Chandler’s Ford Joint Charities Christmas Market for 12 years, but she has involved in the operation for over 25 years. ^
The Rainbow Centre: the path to grater independence
Val Milner is the chairman of the committee of Chandler’s Ford Joint Charities Christmas Market, and also supporter of The Rainbow Centre. ^

The Rainbow Centre inspires and supports children with Cerebral Palsy, and also support adults with a stroke, MS and Parkinson’s disease, adult Cerebral Palsy, and head injury.
Through a system of learning called Conductive Education, a form of specialised neuro-rehabilitation, children and participants learn how to take an active role in their own development. ^
RNLI: saving lives at sea
The RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) is the charity that saves lives at sea. Funded by charitable donations, the lifeboat crews and lifeguards of RNLI have saved at least 140,000 lives at sea since 1824. ^
The RNLI lifeboats around the UK and Ireland are on call 24 hours a day. They receive an average of 23 call-outs a day. ^

RNLI has a comprehensive education programme. Their educators visit school to help young people stay safe by the sea.
Their services are free to all organisations working with young people from 4 to 18. ^
RSPB: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
The Winchester local group for The RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) was also there to promote their work.
The RSPB is the country’s largest nature conservation charity. It protects threatened birds and wildlife so our towns, coast and countryside will teem with life once again. The RSPB also plays a leading role in a worldwide partnership of nature conservation organisations. ^

I was very pleased to have met Barbara Hillier, the most distinguished historian of Chandler’s Ford. Barbara’s books on Chandler’s Ford can be found in the library and also the new WH Smith at the Fryern Arcade.
Barbara was promoting the RSPB this morning. (She is also an active member of The Wildlife Trusts.)
The RSPB Winchester local group meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except January and August), at Shawford Parish Hall SO21 2AA. ^
Myaware: fighting Myasthenia together
Myaware is the new name for the Myasthenia Gravis Association. MGA has been around since May 1976. The group supports people with Myasthenia and their families, increase public and medical awareness of the condition and raise funds for research and support staff. ^

Myasthenia Gravis is a rare long-term condition that causes certain muscles to become weak. I’m pleased to have learnt about the important work of this charity. ^
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research: beating blood cancers
Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research is a leading UK cancer research charity dedicated to improving the lives of patients with all types of blood cancer, including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. ^

British Heart Foundation: our fight for every heartbeat
The British Heart Foundation is the UK’s number one heart charity.
The Foundation invests heavily in research into heart and circulatory diseases. Last year it gave over £84 million of donations to scientists to combat heart disease. ^

Muscular Dystrophy: leading the fight against muscle-wasting conditions
The Muscular Dystrophy Campaign provides support for more than 60 different muscle-wasting conditions. ^

The charity has contributed to crucial scientific breakthroughs in the field of muscular dystrophy and related neuro-muscular conditions. ^
Cystic Fibrosis: a fight we can win
Cystic fibrosis is a life-shortening inherited disease, affecting over 10,000 people in the UK.
According to Cystic Fibrosis Trust, cystic fibrosis is chronically misunderstood, kills thousands worldwide and is carried unknowingly in the genes of millions. It’s often invisible to the naked eye yet destroys lives. ^

I met Margaret Wotten and Sue Wells today. They both care for family members who suffer from cystic fibrosis, and they have been active campaigners for change for better treatments and a cure. Margaret told me she has been involved for over 40 years.
“Because cystic fibrosis is beatable.” ^
In the Methodist Church’s Linkway, there were also active fund-raising events from other groups.
Kenya Project: from Chandler’s Ford to Embu
Sue Gulliver and Shirley Dunsire were selling cards for their charity work in Embu, Kenya. They are visiting Embu soon.

They aim to raise £24,000 to pay for the building of staff housing at St. Stephen’s Children Home. They also hope to raise enough to buy 90 pairs of school shoes, and pay for a New Year party for the children. They also would like to buy lunch boxes and drinks bottles for the children to take to school. ^
Shirley is having an open house on Thursday 4th December, at 58 Peverells Wood Avenue SO53 2BS, from 10am to 10pm. All are welcome.
The 1st Chandler’s Ford Girls’ Brigade
I met Elisabeth Greenham, captain of The 1st Chandler’s Ford Girls’ Brigade today. ^

Elisabeth told me the Girls’ Brigade is now two years old. She encourages more girls to join this fun and friendly group.
The 1st Chandler’s Ford Girls’ Brigade is part of the Girls’ Brigade, a worldwide Christian organisation founded in 1893.
The 1st Chandler’s Ford Girls’ Brigade is for girls aged from 5 to 18. They meet at Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church on Thursday evenings. ^
Generous donations of raffle prizes from Chandler’s Ford
I watched with amazement how Jennifer organised the raffle stall. More than 50 prizes were donated by local businesses and local people.

Prizes include gift vouchers (for furniture, face, Swedish massage, fish and chips supper, and hair, hair, and more hair!), free MOT test, fresh flowers, Saints Football Foundation stadium tour tickets, one month family swimming at Fleming Park, four Panto tickets at Concorde Club, Sunday Roast for two, and everyone’s favourite – a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle.^
You can see the extensive list here in this picture:

These prizes were generous – some practical (4 piece garden tool set), some shareable (chocolate, cake, and herbal / jasmine / English tea), and some unusual (a transmitter).
This was one of the best raffles I’ve ever seen. ^
The operation of the raffle stall was the most efficient. It ran like a production line, or a bit like the vote counting system that you see on television.

In the end, all winners queued up in a very British fashion to collect their prizes.
Today was my lucky day. I won a raffle prize. I’ll tell you what I got and what I may do with my prize in my next post.
Note: In your diary: The 42nd Joint Charities Chandler’s Ford Christmas Market: 14th November 2015

Related posts:
- Review: Joint Charities 43rd Annual Christmas Market Chandler’s Ford 2016
- Uplifting: Chandler’s Ford 42nd Joint Charities Christmas Market 2015
- How Methodist Church Dovetail Centre Surprises Me
- How Hiltingbury St. Martins Craft & Cakes Connects Community
- Building Strong Fairtrade Community In Chandler’s Ford
- Charming Dickensian Christmas in Chandler’s Ford
- How Much Is A Cuppa In Chandler’s Ford?
- Who Wants To Be A Christmas Millionaire?
- History of Selwood Christmas Tree in Chandler’s Ford
- Princess Mary’s Christmas Gift 1914
- What Are You Opening This Christmas?
- Arranging Christmas Flowers: What Items Do You need?
- November: Chandler’s Ford MDG Players Present Ladies of Iniquity
- Upcoming Events Chandler’s Ford
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A brilliant piece of work about this great event. I’m so glad the reporter took such care over her photos and research. The people who organise it with such passion are extremely thoughtful and caring. AND the fastest, longest raffle in the world!!
Dear Caroline,
Thank you for your kind comment. I thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas Market. It was so uplifting and I learned so much from talking to volunteers like you, who dedicate time and energy into worthwhile, important work.
We are surrounded by charities and fundraising events every day, but the Joint Charities Christmas Market gave us more depth about each participating charity. The volunteers help improve our awareness of their charities. It was a heart-warming Christmas event, and also an educational one.
The organisation was impressive. I love the way Jennifer and her fabulous team managed the raffle. They gave out prizes in the shortest time possible and everyone was happy.
The Coffee Room at the Dovetail Centre did a great job and served drinks well past 12pm.