There are several lovely knitted postbox toppers in Chandler’s Ford. Thank you Chandler’s Ford u3a once again for sharing your creativity in the community.
[Read more…] about Thanks to Chandler’s Ford u3a sharing Easter joy
There are several lovely knitted postbox toppers in Chandler’s Ford. Thank you Chandler’s Ford u3a once again for sharing your creativity in the community.
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By the time this post goes out, Janet and I will have seen the latest production from The Chameleon Theatre Group, their annual pantomime. This time they have staged the classic fairytale, Sleeping Beauty.
I hope to share my review next week but thought I would look at the links between the classic fairytales and pantomime. They do seem like a match made in heaven – or at least a match made for the boards.
Albert Camus once said, ‘Impulses are the most sacred of human emotions.” On Wednesday this week, my good friend Janet offered me a free ticket for Thursday evening’s show of Lilies on the Land by The Lions Part at the Chameleon, Chandler’s Ford. On an impulse, I accepted it. I am glad I did.
The advertisement for the play stated, ‘A humorous look at wartime life, based on the real lives of the Women’s Land Army’ (WLA). After the show, I came away with the feeling that the blurb did not do full justice to the director and the all-women cast who put on a show par excellence.
“We shall fight on the beaches …” Churchill’s famous wartime speech set the tone for the evening. Dressed in costumes of wartime England, the WLA girls conveyed the ambience with skill. The sombreness of war was never downplayed, yet they managed to have us splitting our sides with clever and witty dialogues, narrating and bringing to life personal anecdotes. [Read more…] about Lilies on the Land Performed by the Chameleons – a Review
Knitted postbox toppers are appearing around Chandler’s Ford. Have you seen them? These have brought a lot of smiles.
Chandler’s Ford u3a is celebrating its 25th Anniversary by erecting 25 toppers in Chandler’s Ford. Thank you Jill Mayes for sharing these photos.
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It was a joy to see Pinocchio, staged by The Chameleon Theatre Group on Saturday, 28th January. There are many for whom pantomime is their first experience of live theatre. Funnily enough, it wasn’t for me. My kid sister and I tended to go and see the latest Disney releases at the old Gaumont, now of course The Mayflower in Southampton. Remember seeing Robin Hood and Cinderella there.
[Read more…] about Review: The Chameleon Theatre Group – Pinocchio
It was with great pleasure I met with Janet Williams at Richie Hall to watch the latest production from The Chameleon Theatre Group. I love Sherlock Holmes tales so this was a win-win. Congratulations must go to the Chameleons for a sell out performance on all three nights from 27th to 29th October 2022.
“The jasmine in one’s garden has no fragrance,” goes a Malayalam homily – meaning, we don’t appreciate what is right under our nose and seek our pleasures in distant venues. I realised the true import of this saying last evening when we went to see ‘Sherlock Holmes and the mystery at Mallen Hall‘ presented by the Chameleon Theatre Company on Hursley Road, Chandler’s Ford. The theatre is a mere ten-minute walk from my house. In the twelve years that I have lived in Chandler’s Ford, this was my first visit to Chameleon, thanks to a tip from my friend Janet on Chandler’s Ford Today.
The tickets were quite reasonably priced and the show played to a full house. The acoustics were impressive – dialogues came across crisp and clear even to those of us who sat in the back rows. In my youth, I have read several Sherlock Holmes mysteries, but this was the first time I watched a live enactment. And what a performance it was. Holmes, Dr Watson and other characters acted with grace and élan.
[Read more…] about Review: A Sherlock Treat with the Chameleons
For those of you who celebrate Chinese New Year, I wish you good luck, happiness and health in the New Year.
In the past two weeks I had afternoon tea with Allison Symes, had coffee with Mike Sedgwick at Dovetail Cafe, and on Saturday, I had a Chinese New Year meal with chippy minton and his wife Annie in Eastleigh. Of course I also saw chippy’s unique gnome in his front garden.
[Read more…] about Year of the Tiger – Celebrating Friendship
Gucci has used real tigers in their recent adverts celebrating the Year of the Tiger. It seems the tigers have been trained or tamed to be used as props, accessories, and friendly pets. These adverts really have reminded me of the adorable tiger and his friendship with the little girl Sophie, in The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr.
In the commercial adverts, actual tigers roamed the scenes, and joined a group of friends for high tea, in various spaces of a luxurious, retro-style hotel. See this report. [Read more…] about Should Real Tigers be Used as Props?
As the Lunar New Year (Tuesday, 1 February 2022) is just around the corner, I thought I would share little stories about tiger as it’s going to the the Year of the Tiger.
In the west, the tigers I’m most familiar with are Tigger from Winnie the Pooh, and Hobbes, Calvin’s stuffed tiger and best friend. These are friendly tigers.
The tigers in the Chinese context seem to be mighty and ferocious. They are not there to ‘be kind’ or friendly.
Here is a widely known story between a fox and a tiger in the idiom 狐假虎威(hú jiǎ hǔ wēi): [Read more…] about A Story about Tiger
The 2022 Chinese New Year Celebration in Southampton will be on Sunday 30/1/2022 at Westquay Shopping Centre, from 11am to 3pm.
The Chinese Association of Southampton and the University of Southampton Confucius Institute once again bring the traditional Chinese New Year celebration to Southampton to welcome the Year of the Tiger 2022.
Chinese New Year 2022 falls on Tuesday, the 1st of February 2022. The celebrations culminate with the Lantern Festival on the 15th of February.
It is always a pleasure to see the latest Chameleon Theatre Group production. This one was particularly nice as it was the first time our esteemed CFT editor, Janet Williams, and I have had what is effectively a Chandler’s Ford Today “works outing” since before the lockdowns. And I adore a spoof. So win-win here.
Murder with Ghosts is written by Simon Brett (a big tick in the box) and the plot has more than a nod to an Agatha Christie whodunnit (a HUGE tick in the box here. The first series of books I collected, which I still have, were the Odhams red leather hardbacks of almost all of the Agatha Christie series and novels).
So a spoof written by a renowned crime writer and based on the structure so often used by the Queen of Crime has got to be a winner, yes?
Yes indeed!
[Read more…] about Review: Chameleon Theatre Group – Murder with Ghosts
Did you remember or celebrate St. George’s Day on the 23rd of April?
This is a video with some footage in 2017 showing the St. George’s Day parade, by the magnificent 14th Eastleigh Scout and Guide Band “The Spitfires” Band.
This video features the band’s second and third parades of the day in Winchester and Chandler’s Ford.
[Read more…] about Previous St. George’s Day Parades in Chandler’s Ford – Video and Photos
The u3a nationally has been going through a re-branding of late and the new Chandlers Ford u3a website launched only last week.
The Chandlers Ford u3a group was formed in March 1998 and now has more than 400 members. The Chandlers Ford u3a would normally meet on the 3rd Monday at 2pm of each month at the Dovetail Centre of the Methodist Church in Winchester Road, but they have had to resort to Zoom of late.
Members of the u3a have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience which as a self-help group can be shared with others. We have around 50 special interest groups which meet in members homes covering topics such as languages at varying levels, the arts, literature, history and science. We also have outings to theatres and gardens, local places of interest, and countryside walks.
A u3a is a learning co-operative of older people, which enables members to share many educational, creative and leisure activities. Activities are organised mainly in small groups that meet regularly, often in each other’s homes. Members, through sharing their knowledge, skills and experience, learn from each other.
Although all local u3as remain operationally independent, they are members of The Third Age Trust. As such they must abide by both the original Objects and Principles written by Peter Laslett in 1981 and the Principles of the u3a Movement (2014).
The Trust is a national, umbrella body (a registered charity and limited company) which represents all u3as in the UK at national and international level. It is run by a National Executive Committee democratically elected from the membership and offers a range of services, to support and advise local u3as.
The image of Compton Lock was taken on a walk from Shawford, Compton and St. Cross.
The aircraft image is from a visit the u3a members paid to the Boscombe Down Aviation Collection at Old Sarum, just outside Salisbury.
You can contact Chandlers Ford u3a with email:
You are invited to join the first online Chinese New Year event on Sunday 14/2/2021 at 5pm, organised by Southampton Chinese Association.
If you are unable to join Zoom, you can join using the YouTube Live link:
Programmes include: Lion dance, Martial Art display, Chinese dance and music, Chinese opera, and Dragon dance.
It is the Year of the Ox.
[Read more…] about Online Chinese New Year Celebration from Southampton: Sunday 14.02.2021 at 5pm
Why not listen to a medley of 26 beautiful songs, guess their titles, and donate to support Methodist Homes (MHA)?
MHA is a charity providing care, accommodation and support services for older people throughout Britain.
Rev Eric Renouf’s daughter, Joy Blake, leads Singing for Wellbeing groups for two MHA Live at Home Schemes in the north of Hampshire. As a fundraising challenge for MHA, she has put together a medley of 26 songs with titles for each letter of the alphabet (with a bit of ‘cheating’ on ‘X’).
Most of the songs are taken from the repertoire she uses for the Wellbeing groups. You are invited to have a go at identifying the 26 song titles. A list of the answers can be obtained from Marilyn Pack (
[Read more…] about 26 Songs Medley – Fundraising for Methodist Homes (MHA)
Hello and welcome to another installment from The Chameleon Theatre Group looking at life behind the scenes. This week, they share with us what some of their most memorable productions have been and why.
The Chameleons start with All My Sons, which they presented in October 2016.
Image Credit: As ever, a big thanks to The Chameleons for the images.
[Read more…] about Part 3 – The Chameleons Say Hello…to their Favourite Performances
I thought a lighthearted piece would probably be timely. Last year, I wrote a piece about Murphy’s Law for Writers so I thought I would take the topic again and look at it from a reader’s viewpoint.
So how could Murphy’s Law apply to readers then? As follows, I think, but send in your suggestions via the comments box. Some of what follows will be for when we resume normal life again but the general principles apply.
It is always a great pleasure to welcome The Chameleon Theatre Group back to Chandler’s Ford Today. We are sorry their Spring Quartet production had to be cancelled and we hope it is not long before we see them again on the stage at Ritchie Hall. Janet and I very much look forward to our “CFT works outings” again in the future!
Meanwhile, for a fascinating look behind the scenes at sound, lighting, set design, and props, read on… and as ever many thanks to The Chameleons for the interviews and the photos. (Many thanks also to Janet Williams as there was a useful picture for this post in the CFT archives taken by her).
[Read more…] about Part 2 – The Chameleons Say Hello… to the Technical Side
The Chameleon Theatre Group have been posting a series of small interviews. They and I thought it a good idea to compile these in some articles for CFT. Hope you enjoy! These will hopefully be spread out over a few weeks between each one. Many thanks as ever to The Chameleons for the photos.
Oh and don’t forget that when you go to one of their excellent productions and take part in things like the raffle, proceeds go to a nominated charity. So have a great night out and support a good cause at the same time. Now that’s the kind of multitasking I’ve always got time for!
And now over to The Chameleons for Part 1 in what we hope will be an enjoyable series.