Last Saturday (24th January 2015), Chandler’s Ford became the centre of media attention as a protest took place outside Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church.
A Muslim Conference was being held inside the Methodist Church on Winchester Road that evening.
Today, Reverend Peter Cornick, the minister of Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church, wrote to inform us of the chain of events last Saturday.
I’m sure people from Chandler’s Ford have been eager to find out: What was the Muslim Conference about? Why in the Methodist Church? When was the church warned about the protest? What happened next?
Let’s read Reverend Peter Cornick’s message below:
Rev. Peter Cornick
“Dear friends,
We hire our premises to many people, but you may think it unusual to allow a group of Muslims to use it. As long as no ‘worship’ takes place, it is perfectly acceptable under Methodist law.
The Muslims concerned, all local people, wanted to hold a discussion about their way forward and future events – including an ice-skating trip! – and have a social gathering.
In truth, we were, as a church, simply hiring our premises. But events made it become so much more.
The day before the event
The day before the event, I became aware of a planned protest against the Muslim group. I sought advice from many sources, including our national head office and the police: should I cancel the event? The Muslim group appealed to us to show Christian hospitality in a moment of need.
Whilst on the phone trying to get advice from one source, I was looking straight through the yellow cross on our front doors. Suddenly, the answer seemed crystal clear.
Thanks to the police
Despite some local disruption, the Muslim group held their meeting and the police controlled the protest superbly.
I spent the evening listening to some of the discussion and talking to many of the participants. The message I received was of a delightful group of people, eager to contribute to this community, work with others, and promote better understanding between us all.
Because of circumstances, I found myself talking to men and women who were different from me; my own assumptions were challenged that night.
The Methodist Church calls us to be a good neighbour
And my own Christian faith grew. The Methodist Church calls us to be a good neighbour in the community and to challenge injustice. I often preach about both, but when the Muslim community asked me – and the church – to stand by them, I had to put my Christian faith into practice.”
Note: This message is also published in The Link Magazine, February 2015, Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church.
Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church, Winchester Road.
I created Chandler's Ford Today. I use this website to share our passions and inspiring stories, to build a connected community. We inform, educate and enlighten. We share resources.
Well said, Peter Cornick. You do not have to be a Christian to think like that. Anyone with a concern for his fellow man would, or should.
It is good to know that any group can meet at the Dovetail Centre.
Dovetail Centre is very popular – from The Coffee Room in the morning, to various social meet-ups. It is a wonderful community centre.
However, this particular Muslim Conference didn’t take place at the Dovetail Centre. The event took place in the main church itself. About 180 people of all ages attended the conference, including children.
[…] Sunday service last year at the church. Since the discovery of the plaque, the church minister Reverend Peter Cornick suggested a dedication service and blessing, which Barbara happily […]
Well said, Peter Cornick. You do not have to be a Christian to think like that. Anyone with a concern for his fellow man would, or should.
It is good to know that any group can meet at the Dovetail Centre.
Dovetail Centre is very popular – from The Coffee Room in the morning, to various social meet-ups. It is a wonderful community centre.
However, this particular Muslim Conference didn’t take place at the Dovetail Centre. The event took place in the main church itself. About 180 people of all ages attended the conference, including children.