Here are a few upcoming local events:
Chandler’s Ford community produce and craft indoor market – Saturday 5th October on Brownhill Road (next to Co-op), Fryern Arcade.

Chandler’s Ford Likely Lads Club [Read more…] about Local Events
Here are a few upcoming local events:
Chandler’s Ford community produce and craft indoor market – Saturday 5th October on Brownhill Road (next to Co-op), Fryern Arcade.
Chandler’s Ford Likely Lads Club [Read more…] about Local Events
As we are all aware, the parliamentary constituency of Chandler’s Ford and Eastleigh is newly re-organised and most electors have had little opportunity to see their candidates in person.
In Chandler’s Ford, all potential electors are invited to a special event to see and hear from the parliamentary candidates for Chandler’s Ford and Eastleigh.
Date and Time: Sunday, June 23rd, 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM)
Location: Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church, Winchester Road, SO53 2GJ
Organised by Churches Together in Chandler’s Ford and Chaired by Bishop Geoff Annas, Acting Bishop of Southampton, the meeting is open to all electors in Chandler’s Ford and Eastleigh, of all faiths or none.
Please come and support this and hear from the candidates to help inform your vote, for an evening of discussion and engagement.
Remember to arrive early to secure your seat.
Once again Fryern Funtasia was held during the May Bank Holiday Monday, at Fryern Recreation Ground. Did you have a good time? Yes we did despite the rain.
You can imagine the organisation of this event was a mammoth task and it was so wonderful to see so many people and animals, and so many stalls, games, and activities.
Some children sang some songs about the ‘sunshine’ and don’t we love these children from Fryern schools?
Thanks to Chandler’s Ford Parish Council and Event sponsors – TMT Legal Services are supporting this year’s event, along with
National Lottery Community Fund,
Infinity Playgrounds,
Dripool Ltd,
and A&A.
(Source – Chandler’s Ford Parish Council)
Below are some photos taken before the rain. Let’s start with some animals –
There are several lovely knitted postbox toppers in Chandler’s Ford. Thank you Chandler’s Ford u3a once again for sharing your creativity in the community.
[Read more…] about Thanks to Chandler’s Ford u3a sharing Easter joy
Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church has many events on – craft, puppet show, Christmas concerts and Christmas services, and many more.
From Monday to Saturday morning, the Dovetail Centre Café is open to all. It’s where you enjoy a nice cup of tea or freshly brewed coffee and breakfast, and you’ll find many lovely, friendly faces there. This is a place of friendship, kindness, and warmth. No one should feel lonely in the community.
[Read more…] about Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church – an Out of the Ordinary Christmas
Sharing with the community several local events and support groups.
The Fusion Choir 29.11.2023 at Dovetail Centre
Scratch (charity) Christmas Toys Collection
Chandler’s Ford Community Market on Saturday 09.12.2023 at Brownhill Centre
Show Off at Christmas 25.11.2023 at Dovetail Centre
Otterbourne Choir Club Love Actuallly 10.12.2023
Eastleigh Operatic and Musical Society (EOMS) Musical Winter Wonderland
The Sleeping Beauty Chameleon Theatre Company at Ritchie Memorial Hall 20-27 Jan 2024
Wessex Cancer Trust
Chandler’s Ford Cancer Support
Chandler’s Ford u3a
For more events, see the events page.
Chandler’s Ford Christmas Charities Market will be held in the Methodist Church Linkway on Saturday 11th November from 10 am to 12 noon, on Winchester Road. Please come along and support these charity stalls, each selling their own Christmas cards and other goods.
Have you been to Fryern Funtasia today? I hope you have enjoyed this event. This morning I went to Fryern Recreation Ground for a quick visit and this place has brought back some very fond memories. I used to go there with some of my friends and our children, but now our children have left home and my friends were elsewhere, so it did feel quite different and I even felt a tiny bit meloncholic. However it was wonderful to see some friendly faces, beutiful owls, really fluffy dogs, and lots of happy children. It was very lovely to see many local groups such as Scouts, Girlguiding, Boys’ Brigade, Lions Club, Stroke support group, Churches Together….. local businesses such as Peter Green and Gair Gas and many others.
Knitted postbox toppers are appearing around Chandler’s Ford. Have you seen them? These have brought a lot of smiles.
Chandler’s Ford u3a is celebrating its 25th Anniversary by erecting 25 toppers in Chandler’s Ford. Thank you Jill Mayes for sharing these photos.
[Read more…] about Chandler’s Ford u3a Celebrating 25th Anniversary
Did you know there is a Community Food Larder in Chandler’s Ford? It is located by the front door to the Hall of the Methodist Church facing Winchester Road. There are basic food and toiletries for anyone who just need a bit of help.
The cupboard is unlocked, and is open 24/7. If you need anything, or if you know of anyone who may need some help, please come to the larder and help yourself.
This morning I saw several church members fill up the larder, so I took a few photographs to show you what’s inside.
[Read more…] about Chandler’s Ford – Community Food Larder is Open to All
From the 23rd of July, Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church will be hosting a Food Larder at the front of the building.
This will provide basic food and toiletries in an emergency to anyone who needs them, 24/7.
[Read more…] about Community Food Larder at Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church from 23 July
Updated 11.12.2021
The Dovetail Café at the Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church is now open 9.30 to 12noon Tuesday to Friday and from 10-12noon on Saturdays.
I was there last Saturday and really felt life has started to feel a bit ‘normal’.
Life has slolwy returned to some sort of ‘normal’ in Chandler’s Ford.
Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church is planning a Plant and Cake stall (and also take-away hot drinks, how exciting is that!) over two days – on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th May 2021 from 10 am to 4 pm, outside at the front of the Church.
Did you remember or celebrate St. George’s Day on the 23rd of April?
This is a video with some footage in 2017 showing the St. George’s Day parade, by the magnificent 14th Eastleigh Scout and Guide Band “The Spitfires” Band.
This video features the band’s second and third parades of the day in Winchester and Chandler’s Ford.
[Read more…] about Previous St. George’s Day Parades in Chandler’s Ford – Video and Photos
The u3a nationally has been going through a re-branding of late and the new Chandlers Ford u3a website launched only last week.
The Chandlers Ford u3a group was formed in March 1998 and now has more than 400 members. The Chandlers Ford u3a would normally meet on the 3rd Monday at 2pm of each month at the Dovetail Centre of the Methodist Church in Winchester Road, but they have had to resort to Zoom of late.
Members of the u3a have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience which as a self-help group can be shared with others. We have around 50 special interest groups which meet in members homes covering topics such as languages at varying levels, the arts, literature, history and science. We also have outings to theatres and gardens, local places of interest, and countryside walks.
A u3a is a learning co-operative of older people, which enables members to share many educational, creative and leisure activities. Activities are organised mainly in small groups that meet regularly, often in each other’s homes. Members, through sharing their knowledge, skills and experience, learn from each other.
Although all local u3as remain operationally independent, they are members of The Third Age Trust. As such they must abide by both the original Objects and Principles written by Peter Laslett in 1981 and the Principles of the u3a Movement (2014).
The Trust is a national, umbrella body (a registered charity and limited company) which represents all u3as in the UK at national and international level. It is run by a National Executive Committee democratically elected from the membership and offers a range of services, to support and advise local u3as.
The image of Compton Lock was taken on a walk from Shawford, Compton and St. Cross.
The aircraft image is from a visit the u3a members paid to the Boscombe Down Aviation Collection at Old Sarum, just outside Salisbury.
You can contact Chandlers Ford u3a with email:
Calling all knitters & crafters!
Southampton District Methodist Church has had a direct plea from one of the hospital chaplains for mask extenders.
Recently some mask extenders were taken to a particularly hard-hit ward and they were very well received. This is a plea district-wide to help all our local hospitals. Below is a poster with instructions.
[Read more…] about Can you help? Making Mask Extenders to Help the NHS
Why not listen to a medley of 26 beautiful songs, guess their titles, and donate to support Methodist Homes (MHA)?
MHA is a charity providing care, accommodation and support services for older people throughout Britain.
Rev Eric Renouf’s daughter, Joy Blake, leads Singing for Wellbeing groups for two MHA Live at Home Schemes in the north of Hampshire. As a fundraising challenge for MHA, she has put together a medley of 26 songs with titles for each letter of the alphabet (with a bit of ‘cheating’ on ‘X’).
Most of the songs are taken from the repertoire she uses for the Wellbeing groups. You are invited to have a go at identifying the 26 song titles. A list of the answers can be obtained from Marilyn Pack (
[Read more…] about 26 Songs Medley – Fundraising for Methodist Homes (MHA)
It’s an anxious time to every one of us. Shops are closed. Events are cancelled. Schools are to shut. Church services stop. Supermarkets are stripped bare. A few weeks ago you might have asked yourself, “What should I be giving up for Lent this year?” Well it’s clear that you’ve given up a bit more than you had thought.
If any resident want more information on the virus please see the Government and the NHS websites:
Here is a brief update from Rev’d Ian Bird on Chandler’s Ford Parish’s response to the latest developments of the Coronavirus.
“Sadly we are having to stop all our church services and activities, but we are not stopped being church. We ae not stopping being a faith community. And we are not stopping loving and caring for those around us. We’re just going to be church in a different way for this season.”
The Parish Church of Chandler’s Ford announces that “Due to Church of England guidelines all public worship is currently suspended. However, please …to see how we can still support you practically, emotionally and spiritually, including information on live streams of the Sunday service.”
Here are some great events in the coming weeks in Chandler’s Ford.
On 20th March Chandler’s Ford Men’s Shed is opening its new social space. Paid for by donations from local businesses and being opened by the Mayor of Eastleigh, the shed is set up for the wellbeing of men in the local community.
Address: Hexagon Centre, Suffolk Close, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO53 3GZ.
Meet every Friday from 1.30pm.
[Read more…] about Upcoming Events in Chandler’s Ford February – March 2020