Upcoming Events Around Chandler’s Ford:
Note: This page is frequently updated. Please come back and find out more.
What do we publish on this page?
We share charity and community events.
The Dovetail Café at the Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church
The Dovetail Café is open on Monday to Friday
from 9.30 am until 12 noon
and on Saturday from 10 am to 12 noon

From Monday to Saturday morning, the Dovetail Centre Café is open to all. It’s where you enjoy a nice cup of tea or freshly brewed coffee and breakfast, and you’ll find many lovely, friendly faces there. This is a place of friendship, kindness, and warmth. No one should feel lonely in the community.
The Dovetail Centre Café – opening times – Monday to Friday 9.30 to 12 noon; Saturday 10.00 to 12 noon.

Beacon Cafe at St. Boniface Church -1st and 3rd Tuesdays
Chandler’s Ford Good Neighbours
Chandler’s Ford community produce and craft indoor market – Saturday 7 December on Brownhill Road (next to Co-op), Fryern Arcade.
Chandler’s Ford Likely Lads Club

Chameleon Theatre Company – Cinderella
24 January to
1 February2025
Ritchie Memorial Hall
Chandler’s Ford

Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church – The Dovetail Project – 30 Years on

Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church is holding an Open Morning on Saturday 8th February from 10 am to 1 pm

to 1 pm, to thank all in the Church and Community, who have given so
generously towards the 30 Years On project.
More local events:
Thornden Hall
The Hilt
Chandler’s Ford Central Club
Chameleon Theatre Company
The Point Eastleigh
Chandler’s Ford u3a