In Eastleigh Town centre this morning, I saw a huge presence of St John Ambulance.
You may know that today the world is celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. It is The Day of the Doctor.
The TARDIS, or Time and Relative Dimension in Space, is the Doctor’s vehicle and home that can take him to any place and any time.
Have you noticed the emblem on the TARDIS door? It is the St John Ambulance Foundation logo.
To honour both great events: the 50th Doctor Who anniversary and the the switching on of Eastleigh’s Christmas lights and firework display, I’m showing you a few St John Ambulance images that I took in Eastleigh this morning.

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Eastleigh Town Centre filled with joy today
So pleased you got the name right – “St John Ambulance” not “St John’s Ambulance”. You’d be surprised how many people get it wrong!!
Thank you. I did pay attention. However, are St. John Ambulance and St John Ambulance (without a dot after t) both acceptable in your eyes? Thank you.
Yes, I don’t differentaite between ‘St.’ and ‘St’.
Some style / grammar guides (including the Oxford English Dictionary) say that the dot is not required if the abbreviation starts and ends with the same letters as the original word (e.g. Mr, Mrs, St).