I met Daphne Bright from Fairtrade in Eastleigh Borough today in Eastleigh.
Eastleigh Town Centre was bursting with joy as it was a special family day.
There were many fundraising stalls, games and tombolas, food stalls and Christmas gifts, and live band in the streets.
Daphne is the committee chair of Fairtrade in Eastleigh Borough. She was there with campaigners to raise the awareness of the Fairtrade mark and Fairtrade issues.
Daphne Bright shared with me stories about how Fairtrade change many people’s lives, and explained to me the aims of the Fairtrade in Eastleigh Borough Campaign.
The aims of the Fairtrade in Eastleigh Borough Campaign are:
- Promote the concept of Fairtrade and increase the availability of Fairtrade products.
- Raise awareness of the Fairtrade mark.
- Ensure continued commitment and drive towards gaining Fairtrade Borough status for Eastleigh Borough as a whole.
- Encourage workplaces, schools and communities to work to promote and use Fairtrade products.
- Liaise with other Fairtrade groups in Hampshire County as a member of Hampshire Fairtrade Network (HFN).
On Chandler’s Ford Today, you can find out more about Fairtrade in our local areas. I would like to add more details to the Fairtrade page, and if you are a Fairtrade supporter, or if you sell Fairtrade products, please let me know and I would add your contacts to the list, so that more people could support you by buying Fairtrade products in Eastleigh borough.
You can also find a list of Traidcraft Stalls in Chandler’s Ford.
Thank you Daphne and your campaigners — for your dedication in Fairtrade in Eastleigh Borough. I hope this aim will be achieved very soon in Eastleigh.
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