Image Credit: Images created in Book Brush using Pixabay images.
Making the most of writing time is always a timely topic. Every writer will have their own answer to this.
I know it is a little early but Happy New Year to you all. I hope 2025 proves to be a good year. It would be nice to have less grim news but I think that may be something I will have to put on a wish list somewhere.
It’s a lovely way to finish my Chandler’s Ford Today posts for Christmas by sharing festive related writing news.
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Everyone has their own tastes in books and stories, of course. The publishing and literary world would not be so interesting and extensive if we all read the same thing. Genres would disappear and creative imagination would be limited to whatever it was we all read. But there are elements in books and stories which cross all genres. These are the things I look out for whenever I read any kind of story, regardless of its word count.
It is with great pleasure I welcome debut novelist and fellow Swanwicker, Anita D Hunt, to Chandler’s Ford Today. Anita’s novel, Behind the Curtain, is a domestic noir published by SpellBound Books.
The novel was launched at The Writers’ Summer School, Swanwick following its release in paperback on 2nd August. Anita had the joy of signing copies in the Book Room, almost literally hot off the press.
When this post goes out, I will be back home, having recently enjoyed another lovely week at The Writers’ Summer School, Swanwick, which is based at The Hayes, Derbyshire. This week sees me immersed in the world of writing, which is just one of many reasons I adore going. It is also the place from where the only German prisoner of war from World War Two successfully escaped and fled back to Germany.
On the writing front, delegates are free to choose which courses and workshops they go to and there is a wide range of topics to choose from too. There is something to suit everyone, no matter where they are at in their writing journeys.
There are four part and two part courses to choose from, as well as the one hour workshops, plus I find I always learn something useful, as well as enjoying being entertained, by the after dinner guest speakers, who are all renowned in their fields.
I run a monthly Zoom workshop on flash fiction writing for the Association of Christian Writers. It is great fun to do and the online aspect helps so much as the members live several hundreds of miles apart so we could never get together in person.
I usually set a monthly theme and then set exercises based on that. Sometimes I will prepare an answer to an exercise to show as an example but most of the time I will write on the night of the meeting with the other members.
Earlier this month, I had the great pleasure and privilege of presenting to an online history group a PowerPoint on Josephine Tey (author of The Daughter of Time) and Philippa Langley (co-author, with Michael Jones, of The Search for Richard III: The King’s Grave, and, more recently, The Princes in the Tower, where she is sole author).
Writers often mix up their writing formats. It keeps us versatile and is fun. It is fabulous for readers too.
One author who has done this again recently is Scottish crime writer, Val Penny, who is best known for her DCI Hunter Wilson series (also called the Edinburgh Crime Mysteries). Her latest book, Hunter’s Christmas and Other Stories, is Val’s first collection of short stories. It stars her lead character but also others, including characters new to Val herself.
[Read more…] about New Year, New Writing Format for Val Penny
First and foremost, may I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year.
How do you approach a new year? I think it is safe to say, given how 2020 turned out, many of us may approach the new time period with some trepidation. I know I do. But if I look at this from writing and reading viewpoints, the outlook is far more sunny!
As I write a lot of flash fiction and short stories, as well as posts like this, I always need to find ways of coming up with ideas. It is also sensible to have a variety of methods to find ideas because (a) it keeps things interesting for you as the writer and (b) you don’t run the risk of becoming stale.
Why the latter? If you only use one or two methods to trigger ideas, at some point you will find the well you draw from dries up! Your wells of inspiration need to be topped up continually and using different ways to come up with ideas helps with that. Also this approach gives you spare wells! That to my mind is always a good idea in itself. It also keeps you on your creative toes, which is another good thing.
I was sorry to hear The Chameleon Theatre Group had to cancel their production of Terry Pratchett’s Wyrd Sisters (based on the play written by Stephen Briggs who wrote the Discworld plays with Terry Pratchett’s blessing).
As well as looking forward to seeing my first Discworld play, I was especially looking forward to this story as it is a strong one and a classic example of a wonderful tale based on another one. Wyrd Sisters is based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth but with the Discworld version, it is the witches (Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, and Magrat Garlick) who are the heroines.
Scene setting is one of the invisible “tools” a writer uses to make a convincing story though it can apply to non-fiction work too. What it involves is working out what a reader needs to know and then figuring out the best way of getting that across.
It is with great pleasure I welcome back Jennifer C Wilson to Chandler’s Ford Today. Jennifer is the writer of the Kindred Spirits series which crosses history with ghost stories. She also writes historical and romantic fiction (The Warrior’s Prize, The Last Plantagenet amongst others) and has written non-fiction book too (A Novel Approach). She has also contributed to many anthologies.
Jennifer also runs a writing group – the North Tyneside Writers’ Circle (NTWC) – so for this post, we will look at the joys and hard work behind doing that and why groups can be so beneficial to writers, regardless of where they are “at” in their writing journey. There is also a National Association of Writers’ Groups – individuals as well as groups can join. I share the link further down.
[Read more…] about Author Interview: Jennifer C Wilson – The Joy of Writing Groups and Workshops
One of the joys of the writing community is it is supportive. Given most of the time you are at your desk, writing alone, having your fair share of rejections or not hearing back on competition entries and so on, that support is wonderful and vital. We all need a lift at times.
As well as writing events and conferences, which are fabulous ways to get to know other writers, there are a number of writing communities online. There are monthly groups which meet up in person such as the Hampshire Writers’ Society, which meets in Winchester.
I can guess what you’re thinking. How can you quiz characters, which are literally figments of my imagination?
Fair point but I find it a useful way to work out what my characters are made of before I put them into a story. I need to know who they are before I work out what they’re going to be getting up to in my flash fiction or short stories.
Supporting characters in stories have much the same role as supporting actors do. Without them, the story is incomplete. They add richness and depth to a story too, especially if they are involved in the sub-plots in novellas and novels. But their task is to either help or hinder the lead characters in their task. They don’t overshadow the leading character either.
For a villainous character, their supporting character can help increase the difficulties faced by the hero/heroine. That in turn increases the tension in the story and the risks of failure for the hero/heroine. For a more noble character, their supporting characters can help them achieve their objective quicker and limit the risks faced by the lead and increase their chances of success.
There are so many benefits to creativity, regardless of which type you enjoy. I admire those who can knit, crochet, draw etc as I can not do those things myself and there are so many beautiful examples of each. I admire the skill and the resulting works.
I appreciate music, especially classical, while not playing it. I also believe there is a form of creativity for everyone. It is a question of finding the one (or more if you are lucky) which suits you. In my case that is creative writing.
I am fond of the autumn season. Crisp air, the changing colours of the leaves (including on the Virginia Creeper which I see a lot of on my walks), the joy of coming in from a brisk walk with the dog to enjoy a hot chocolate while she tucks into a dog biscuit or two. It is the simple pleasures after all.