What I like most about Christmas Day
Is listening out for old Santa’s sleigh.
I hear the reindeer’s hoof
Land so hard on my roof.
At least that keeps the burglars at bay!
I’ve always enjoyed a good sing
At Christmas I love carolling
And then a mulled wine or two
Fruit cake, chocs and mince pies too
It’s not the season for dieting!
Note: Congratulations to Allison! Allison Symes’ limerick about Hampshire is included in Limerick Nation. You can buy the book here: Limerick Nation: a pioneering collection of new limericks from IRON Press.
More than sixty poets have contributed, and each of the limericks is inspired by the writer’s place of residence. Many of the limericks pinpoint a particular cultural, topographical or historical peculiarity of their locale.
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