1) Where is this milestone in Chandler’s Ford located?
This old milestone is situated 69 miles from London, 6 miles from Winchester to Southampton.

2) Do you recognise this area? Remember the Number 47 bus? Share your memory.

3) Do you remember this iconic building in Chandler’s Ford? Where was it? What were its functions?

Put your answers in the comment below. Thank you.
Credit: Many thanks for Doug Clews (now in Australia) for supplying us with several precious old photos of Chandler’s Ford. More will be used in next week’s guessing game.
The number 47 bus; that one is easy. Regent Petrol, what happened to that? I used to be loyal to one brand of fuel and Cleveland Discol, which had added alcohol was a favourite. Now I have no idea what brand of fuel is in the tank, seems there is only Shell and BP left around here.
A more difficult question would be ‘What date was the photograph taken?’ Car historians would know, my guess is 1960.
Nice to see the old gaslamp with the cross spar for the lamplighters’ ladder in picture 3. That car looks like an Austin 10 from the 1930’s. I used to own one in the late 1950’s.
The car in No.3 is certainly an Austin, but I suspect a larger model than the 10, possibly even a 16.
No 1 is in Hursley Rd isn’t it, between North Millers Day Road and Baddesley Rd. I’ll have to go for a walk to see how far to London! unless someone else comes up with the answer.
I love picture 3 and can’t wait to find out where. My guess is Hiltingbury Rd.
No 1 is not on Hursley Road – unless there’s one there that I don’t know of!
I took this photo 2 days ago as it was quite hidden. It was on Winchester Road, just oppostie to Chandler’s Ford Infant School (Kings Road)
In this article we wrote before, it also mentioned the milestone.
It’s also included in this film by a Chandler’s Ford teenager.
Actually perhaps the distance is just 69 miles as it looks on the picture? I thought the answer was hidden.
No.2.location is outside the Methodist church, on Winchester Road. The No.47 was the Winchester/Southampton Hants abd Dorset bus, and the bus shown is a Bristol Lowdekker, I believe.
No.3.locstion is at the x roads Hiltingbury Road/Kingsway, and the two shops originally there.
One was originally Biddles newsagents.
Correct on both counts Martin, and yes Mike, No. 2 taken by me in the early 60’s … In No. 3, the shop on the corner was ‘Kingsway Post Office’ … was that Biddles as well, or was that the other shop next door ?
The Kingsway PO was on the opposite cnr., not one of those two shops.
It is niw a dwelling, call ed the Old Postoffice or similar.
Sorry Martin, but you are mistaken … the opposite corner was Carter’s (or possibly Clarke’s) store and was a grocers of sorts … the post office was definitely where the post and telephone boxes are in the photo … unfortunately it is not clear enough in the photo to read, but the sign over the doorway says ‘Kingsway Post Office’
Martin Napier put an element of doubt in my mind that Carter’s Store had been the Post Office … on further investigation, Martin is quite correct, in as much that Miss Carter ran the post office and general store at 23, Hiltingbury Road in the 1930’s … 23, is on the diagonally opposite corner to the shops in my photo … a photo of Kingsway Post Office at that time appears in one of Barbara Hillier’s Books … the store, Post Office and Call Office was run by a M. Carter in 1950, supported by an entry in the Southampton District Telephone Book … Phone No. was 202911 …
On Google Maps, the building now has ‘The Old Post Office’ over the front door …
I will put my lapse of memory down to ‘Old Age’ or even ‘Insanity’ … once again, apologies all round, and I promise to do better in the future … keep smiling !!!
I remember the 47 – though not from as long ago as that photo. Used it for about 18 months from Chandlers Ford to Winchester in the late 1980s. I think a monthly season ticket cost about £30.
A trio of blokes were staggering round a graveyard on their way home from the pub, and started to notice the ages on the gravestones:
“This bloke was 93 when he died,” called one. “That’s a grand old age”
“Well, I’ve found one here who was 97 – almost 98,” shouted another.
“That’s nothing,” called their friend from near the gate; “this guy lived to 117”
“Really? who was he?”
“Miles. From London”
A daily ticket from Chandler’s Ford to Winchester is £6.20. Two years ago I bought a weekly ticket regularly to Winchester; it cost around £30.
Miles is a nice surname. 🙂
Back in the 50’s, when my mum worked for Tyrell & Green by the Buttercross in Winchester, an adult return ticket on the 47 to Winchester from the top of Leigh Road was 1s/3d and to Southampton 1/- … I do not remember the child’s fare, as we had ‘free’ season tickets paid by the Gov’t to get to school in Winchester … adult fare from top of Leigh Road to Eastleigh was 2d single, 3d return and kids 1d each way … you could also get a ‘Special Day’s Return’ from Eastleigh to Bournemouth on the train for 7s/6d … “them was the days !!!”
In the 1980s it was 90p single. And I was pleasantly surprised, as I was expecting a much higher fare. I was unexpectedly taking the bus as my car had broken down the evening before I started a new job in Winchester. Finding how cheap the bus was (compared with parking in Winchester) I carried on using it.
My season ticket was from Southampton to Winchester, as that was the same price as from the Asda roundabout, so I had “free” travel to Southampton too.
We used to play in the woods along Winchester Roadd behind where the milestone is. Coming home from school one day I tripped in there and a small tree stump went into my hand. I was probably about 6 or 7 at the time, bleeding badly, a lady on a push bike saw me and put a hankie over the wound, sat me on the saddle of her bike, took me home to Station Lane and told my Mum what happened. Never saw her again. Still have the scar to this day!!
I used to passed the milestone every day to school. I used to leap over it like piggy in the middle – no clever phones or anything then.
And the 47 Southampton / Winchester bus – could it be at Fryern Hill? There was a garage there and a bus pull – in outside the old Kings Court Hotel.
And the other could be the old Post Office – was it Kingsway?