Another Saturday guessing game with these 3 photos.
1) Where is this sign found in Chandler’s Ford?
‘Customer Clothing Notice: Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear at all times while in our store’.

2) Where’s this building located? What is this building going to be used for? What was this building used before?

3) Do you recognise this place?

Put your answers in the comment below. Thank you.
1) Premier shop, Hiltingbury Road. 2) The old Nat West Bank, Winchester Road. 3) Hiltingbury recreation ground on Hiltingbury Road.
David, well done on the answers for 2, and 3.
Not the Premier shop for question 1. The photo I took was from another popular shop.
This is not easy Janet, ha ha! I also can’t find what the old NW bank building is going to be used for. Will have to regroup and come back here later today.
It looks like Charters is developing the area.
Regarding Q1, I asked a shop assistant why there is a ‘dress code’ in their shop (I won’t reveal the name yet). Apparently during some hot days, some men were topless, and some people were not wearing shoes … which upset other shoppers.
I know number 3. I walked there the other day and thought that the green rectangle must be special grass for cricket but actally it was green weeds!
Excellent guess, Mary. It’s in the Hiltingbury – the heatwave in summer 2018 has changed the scene completely!
I’ve not been in Chandlers Ford since last year, has the Nat West branch now closed?
Fiona, indeed, NatWest had closed. No more NatWest in Chandler’s Ford.
A few people asked me to reveal the answer for question one.
OK – the Customer clothing notice was found on the Co-op shop on Hursley Road.
Now please put something on when you go round shopping. Thank you.
Ha, of course! Now I can see the familiar chimneys of the Railway Hotel reflected in the background.
You still call it ‘the Railway Hotel’? Really? When did you last visit the pub? 🙂
All of eight days ago Janet, ha ha. Calling it by the old name that I recall so well from years gone by helps keep fresh the significance of the place to old Chandler’s Ford, when large consignments of seeds and other supplies were delivered there for distribution by cart or steam lorry, and coal arrived for the local merchants to supply to homes and businesses across the area.
It was such a pivotal place for the village that I hope one day it reverts to its former name.
Beautifully written, David.
You remembered this place as a ‘village’. How things have changed!
I would appreciate if you could write your memories with us, and we’ll publish them on this website. You must have got lots of stories to tell. Why not start with the Railway Hotel?
Update on NatWest branch in Chandler’s Ford.
Just to say that though NatWest has closed its branch on Winchester Road, there is a Mobile Brance in Chandler’s Ford, every Wednesday from 1.30pm to 3pm, outside the Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church on Winchester Road.