When I wrote this column last year I talked about how we were all at home, keeping social distances and struggling to get any seeds to sow, compost or plants for our gardens. A year on, we have a little more freedom, and garden centres have been open, but even they are struggling to source stock due to covid and Brexit.
One thing is clear though, our gardens have kept growing and are not affected by any of these issues, and in fact they might even have had a bit more tender loving care this past year.
Some things you might like to do this month:- Earth up potatoes. French and runner beans and sweetcorn can be sown outside now.

Start removing side shoots from tomatoes. These shoots can be put in a glass of water to root then planted up to make more tomato plants that will fruit later on.
Hang pheromone traps in apple trees. Put straw around your strawberries and net them before the birds get in and enjoy them. Plant out summer bedding after risks of frosts have passed.
Keep on top of those weeds, either hoe or hand weed them. Don’t let them set seed, otherwise you will be encouraging more weeds into your garden. For example, the annual weed shepherd’s purse can produce 2-3,000 seeds per plant.
Mow lawns regularly now, apply a weed, feed and moss treatment if not already done.
Prune spring-flowering shrubs such as Choisya and Ribes after flowering. Tie in climbing and rambling roses as near to horizontal as possible. Trim back Alyssum and Aubrieta after flowering to encourage fresh growth
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