Romsey Plaza Theatre launched its first ever CrowdFunding event this Monday to raise money to cover its box office losses due to Covid.
#SaveOurTheatres – Plaza Theatre Romsey
Over the past 6 months, the Plaza has been closed and we have had virtually no income. We need your help to ensure that the Plaza is able to continue covering our basic overheads. In conjunction with the Theatres Trust and their #SaveOurTheatres initiative, we have started a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds which will make sure that our theatre continues to operate safely through the lockdown and for years beyond.
In return for a selection of rewards, we are asking for donations to help us with our expenses which will allow us to continue to Keep Theatre Alive in Romsey. Our fundraising target is £20,000 and we have 1 month to try and reach that target.
Please visit the Crowdfunding page at #SaveOurTheatres – Plaza Theatre Romsey to donate and choose your reward. It would also be great if you could share our campaign link widely with your network, via email, social media, or tell them in person!
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