Local YA author, Richard Hardie, is delighted to announce that his novel, Leap of Faith, the first in his Temporal Detective Series, is now being advertised on the online edition of Doctor Who magazine.

Well done, Richard! Both the print and online versions of the magazine have a big “reach” so being able to get the word out to readers about a time travelling detective agency to fans of the most famous time travelling show is a very good move!
Richard tells me the online Doctor Who site has been running now for 26 years and comes out quarterly as the official fan magazine. (The print edition is also quarterly and is a fascinating read for any fans of the Doctor).
Seb Brook, the founder and editor, contacted Richard recently about the fact that Leap of Faith is based on the Gower Peninsular, where many of the Doctor Who and Torchwood episodes were filmed over the last few years, and the fact Tertia (on the cover) wears a scarf very much like Tom Baker’s. It tickled his fancy and he asked Richard if he could review the book and write an article on the coincidences. In return he offered to let Richard have a small advert on the home page which will appear there for the next three months!
Now that’s the kind of offer you don’t turn down! Well done, Richard.
Scroll down to see the advert “in situ” (left hand side) when you click on the link here.

One issue writers have had during lockdown is how to get the word out there about our books when so many of our usual avenues, such as book events, are not being held. The positive thing here is this can encourage creative (and indeed lateral) thinking. Things like Zoom and being able to hold live events that way help. But so does creative advertising like this!
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