(Editor’s note: The Witness Appeal is issued by Hampshire Constabulary. However Chandler’s Ford Today believes the Hampshire Constabulary possibly meant ‘Hursley Road in Chandler’s Ford’, not ‘Hursley Road in Hursley’. Please read on despite this confusion.)
Officers are appealing for information following a burglary on Hursley Road.
The incident happened at around 5.35pm on Saturday, 10 June when the elderly residents were upstairs watching TV at their home on Hurlsey Road.

One of the residents went downstairs to find the offender leaving the address.
He was seen to ride off on a push bike in the direction of Chandlers Ford. As he left, he dropped a small polished wooden box which was taken from the address, along with a mop head in Wilko packaging which is believed to have belonged to the offender.

Items stolen include silverware, two pocket watches (one gold, one silver), silver cigarette cases, a gold sovereign and medals. The medals were school athletic medals dating back to the 19th Century.
The man police want to speak to is described as: White, aged in his 30s, 5ft 8ins, of small build, with cropped ginger hair and wearing glasses with tinted lenses. He was riding a push bike and carrying a white carrier bag.
PC William Cantlie, said: “This burglary occurred in a rural location during the late afternoon. The occupants were home at the time and by chance disturbed the offender who fled the address.
“There would have been passing traffic at the time of the incident and someone driving by would have seen the offender as he arrived or left. Did you see a man of this description riding a pushbike in the area?
“The items taken were of significant sentimental value as well as being worth thousands of pounds. I would urge anyone who may have been offered any of these items for sale, to call us immediately.
“As the weather turns warmer I’d like to remind residents to keep access points to their homes secure. If you’re leaving the room, make sure all external doors and windows are closed.”
If you have any information relating to this case, please call 101 quoting reference ‘44170220366‘, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously.

Source: Appeal after sentimental items stolen in Hurlsey burglary – Hampshire Constabulary
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