Make the most of the warmth in the air and soil, before the temperatures drop at the beginning of Autumn. Some Broad beans and pea varieties (such as Aquadulce Claudia and Pea ‘Douce Prvence’) can be sown now for an earlier crop next year, along with spring cabbages and spinach (which might need to be covered from frosts).
Onions and garlic can also be planted now for harvesting next year. Take cuttings of tender perennials such as fuchsias and Pelargoniums before they get caught by the frost.
Start planting bulbs for spring display now. Tulips are better left until November, but daffodils need to be planted now. As a quick rule for depth of planting, bulbs should be planted 3 times the height of the bulb.

Lift the height on the mower and mow less frequently now. An autumn lawn feed can be applied now which will harden up your lawn. This is best done after the lawn has been scarified and aerated. If you want to lay a new lawn or reseed an area, this is a good time of year to do this.

Divide herbaceous perennials now if they have outgrown their space or are looking tired. Doing this will improve their flowering and shape and invigorate them. Net ponds now before the autumn leaves start to fall.
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