Update: 20th September 2016: Baby tortoise Tara has been found and safely returned home.
Original post below:
Have you seen a baby Tunisian Spur Thighed Tortoise?
Kirrin Chahal from Tyne Close, near Knightwood Leisure centre, has asked Chandler’s Ford Today readers to help find their baby Tunisian Spur Thighed Tortoise Tara.

Kirrin said Tara went missing yesterday morning at around 11am and has still not been found since.
Tara is very small – only about the size of your palm and can be easily over-looked or missed.
“We think that she managed to get out of her pen in the garden and then out our back gate leading into the woods. But she may also have come back under a fence leading into someone’s back/front garden.”

Kirin has asked and checked with all their neighbours and had a look in their gardens but have not had any luck finding her.
Tara tends to hide near or in bushes or plant pots and will bask in a sunny spot to get warm. She is three years old and very timid.
Kirrin and his family will be grateful if you have seen Tara or have any information. Emaiil: kirrinchahal1@hotmail.co.uk
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Good luck! Kirrin, hope Tara will be found soon.
I love Tara’s crochetted outfit!
Many years ago we lost a little milk snake. Some people told us that snakes can hide well and the snake could possibly still be hiding somewhere in our house (like in a wardrobe)! It’s a scary thought!