Update: The upcoming Chandler’s Ford Produce and Craft Market will be on Saturday 30th April 2016 at Chandler’s Ford Age Concern Centre.
Below is my original post:
Chandler’s Ford Produce and Craft Market this year will open on Saturday 12th March, from 10am to 1pm, at Age Concern Centre on Brownhill Road.
Last year, Chandler’s Ford Produce and Craft Market was successfully held three times. I picked up a few Christmas presents from the market.
Market organiser Steve Allen hope you could come and support the market, so that the market will run more regularly in Chandler’s Ford.
You can read my reviews here: NEW! Chandler’s Ford Produce and Craft Market, and Christmas at Chandler’s Ford Produce and Craft Market 2015.
I like the idea of Chandler’s Ford Produce and Craft Market – local traders and crafters get a chance to sell their products, and we get to buy unique products handmade by them, and fresh fruits and vegetables grown locally.
This year the market will have a new security guard – Muffin the Muff.
Apart from regular stallholders from last year, this time Eastleigh College students will be selling crafts.
New producer Jason Butler (from The Sorting Office Eastleigh) will be selling fashion bags.

Of course fruits and vegetables stall will be back (When was the last time you bought fresh fruits and vegetables from a market?). There’ll also be a cake stall.
Here are some photos from the markets last year.
To find out more about the Chandler’s Ford Produce and Craft Market, visit its Facebook page: Chandler’s Ford Produce & Craft Market.
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I would like to thank everyone connected with the market – Beryl and Gordon from Age Concern, Janet Williams from Chandler’s Ford Today for all her help, and of course the people of Chandler’s Ford for their support.
Hope to see you on the 12th.
Steve Allen
I love the market and enjoyed my visits there tremendously.
I love the atmosphere, the friendly people who sell and talk about the things they create, and many different, unique, quirky things on display.
It’s wonderful to have such a unique market locally, and Age Concern Centre is such a great location (parking 3 hours at Fryern Arcade).
It’s wonderful as you encourage local traders / crafters to get together selling the things they love. Chandler’s Ford is not a small place, and it’d be brilliant if we have a regular market like this. One day I hope weekend markets become a tradition of Chandler’s Ford.