Hydrangea flowerheads left for winter protection can be cut off now. Remove old flowerheads of mophead and lace cap hydrangeas to just above a pair of buds, cut out any thin, weak stems around the base of the plant and remove one or two of the largest, oldest stems as low down as possible to the base to promote new shoots. Hydrangea serrata and quercifolia are lightly pruned, just removing old flower heads.
Hydrangea paniculate and aboresens, which flower on this year’s growth can be pruned back harder without losing this year’s flowers.
Check roses for blackspot, remove any infected leaves and treat with a fungicide. Sow hardy annuals and wildflowers in gaps in the garden. Cut back Penstemons now. Take a close look before pruning, some produce a mass of new shoots at the base of the plant, so old stems should be cut back close to the soil. When new growth is visible only along the stems, trim them to 15-20cm from the ground, just above a shoot.
To encourage bushy growth on Marguerites, Pelargoniums and Fuchsias in the greenhouse, pinch out the tips. Spray weeds on driveways and paths this month when they are actively growing. Use a spring/summer feed on the lawn (it should be high in nitrogen to encourage strong leafy green swards).
Carry on sowing vegetables directly into prepared soil including carrots, turnip, peas, broadbeans, spinach and lettuce. Sow tender courgettes, cucumbers and pumpkins in a heated propagator or sunny window sill. Plant out autumn sown sweet peas.
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