Sweet peas can be sown now indoors for an early flowering next year.
Prune tall shrubs that will be hard pruned in the Spring, eg Lavatera and Buddleja, by half now to reduce wind rock. Cut down herbaceous
perennials that have finished flowering and are looking untidy.
Overgrown clumps can be lifted and divided now. Start raking up leaves and composting those that are healthy.
Complete scarifying, aeration and topdressing of lawns.
Give wildflower meadows a final cut. New lawns can still be turfed this month.
Net ponds before too many leaves fall into them. Plant autumn onion sets and garlic.
Apply grease bands to fruit trees to protect them from winter moth.
Sow batches of broad beans and peas for early cropping next year. Cut fruited stems of blackberries and autumn raspberries down to the ground.
Clean out birth baths now and make sure feeders are replenished to fatten up birds for the winter. Don’t be too tidy in the garden, piles of leaves and stems of dead perennials provide shelter for insects and other invertebrates.
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