Plant bare-root roses, shrubs, hedging and ornamental trees, as long as the ground isn’t frozen. Remove and bin hellebore foliage marked with black blotches, to limit the spread of leaf spot disease. Deadhead winter pansies and other bedding regularly, and remove any foliage affected by downy mildew. Check for rot on stored bulbs and tubers, and ensure dahlia and canna tubers haven’t totally dried out. Continue pruning climbing roses, while they are dormant.
Winter-prune apple and pear trees to remove any dead, damaged, congested and diseased branches. Prune gooseberries and redcurrants, cutting sideshoots back to three buds from their base. Plant bare-root fruit bushes, trees and canes into enriched soil, as long as the ground isn’t frozen.
Cover rhubarb plants with a bucket or terracotta pot to force an early crop of tender long stems. Prune blackcurrants, if you haven’t done so already, removing about a quarter of the old stems. Winter can be a tough time for wildlife.
Provide high-energy food for birds to help them through the winter months. Top up bird baths with fresh water daily and melt ice with warm water on frosty days. Clean out and scrub bird feeders regularly to maintain hygiene. Put up bird boxes in sheltered spots, on tree trunks, sheds or walls, well before the nesting season begins.
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