It’s an anxious time to every one of us. Shops are closed. Events are cancelled. Schools are to shut. Church services stop. Supermarkets are stripped bare. A few weeks ago you might have asked yourself, “What should I be giving up for Lent this year?” Well it’s clear that you’ve given up a bit more than you had thought.
If any resident want more information on the virus please see the Government and the NHS websites:
Coronavirus (COVID-19): UK government response
NHS: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Here is a brief update from Rev’d Ian Bird on Chandler’s Ford Parish’s response to the latest developments of the Coronavirus.
“Sadly we are having to stop all our church services and activities, but we are not stopped being church. We ae not stopping being a faith community. And we are not stopping loving and caring for those around us. We’re just going to be church in a different way for this season.”
The Parish Church of Chandler’s Ford announces that “Due to Church of England guidelines all public worship is currently suspended. However, please …to see how we can still support you practically, emotionally and spiritually, including information on live streams of the Sunday service.”

Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church has made this announcement on its website:
UPDATE: 23rd March 2020

We have also taken the decision to close the Dovetail Café and Dovetail Centre.
As the situation develops, we will provide further updates on the church’s website and their Facebook page.
Neighbours have also set up groups to support the neighbours.
Our friend Gopi shared this letter with us. This is what a supportive neighbourhood looks like.

Remember to –
1 – Look after ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbours.
2 – Support local businesses.
What else do you think we can do as a community, online and offline? Write your comments below.
During the War, in far more dangerous times, we had not choice but to “Keep a stiff upper lip and press on regardless”. The only manifestation of those days now has been the kindliness of neighbours, greatly appreciated; although, self-isolated, I am managing to press on regardless.