Did you know there is a Community Food Larder in Chandler’s Ford? It is located by the front door to the Hall of the Methodist Church facing Winchester Road. There are basic food and toiletries for anyone who just need a bit of help.
The cupboard is unlocked, and is open 24/7. If you need anything, or if you know of anyone who may need some help, please come to the larder and help yourself.
This morning I saw several church members fill up the larder, so I took a few photographs to show you what’s inside.

How can I help?
Can you help? Can I help? Of course you can. You can donate food or money so that this larder can continue to run, and that we can help our neighbours feed their families.
As we are facing a cost of living crisis and a bleak winter, it’s important as a community we do whatever we can to help our neighbours. Methodist Church has said that any donations will be gratefully received. But, please don’t forget Eastleigh Basics Bank as well.

The most popular items seem to be pasta, pasta sauces, tinned meat, cereals, some fruit and vegetables as well as crisps. Toiletries are popular too.
Members from the church collect food 3 times a week from the Co-op (Monday and Friday evenings and Wednesday morning).

Website of Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church
Such a wonderful initiative and so community minded – well done to those that had the idea to start this for those in the community that are suffering hardship for whatever the reason