The Brook Singers – this friendly women’s choir in Chandler’s Ford has history, and is just entering a new phase! We would love new members to come and join in the fun!
We meet Wednesday evenings 19.30 – 21.30 term time in the Chandler’s Ford Community Hall, next to St Boniface. We put on two concerts a year, Christmas and Summer, where we raise money for charity.

We sing an eclectic array of songs to piano accompaniment. No audition, or requirement to sight read, though we are sometimes quite ambitious! Usually two part, sometimes more!
The current fee (until the summer) is £40 a term. This will have to increase to £55 starting with the autumn term. This is to cover rent, music, and to pay David, our lovely piano player, and Christine, our experienced leader.
If you are interested, just come along on a Wed evening (except 25 Jan) or call Wendy, the secretary on 023 8025 3870.
This group started as a choir for young Mums in 1961, and has progressed through various phases, evening classes, Women’s Institute, independent. It’s always been good fun!
Quote from newish member recently, “My husband says I always come home happy and singing on Wednesdays!”

I would like to know if the Brook Singers have recommenced their sessions. I am going to phone Wendy but thought l would just put this query here. Thank you.
Sadly, the Brook Singers folded in 2017 when numbers got low. Most of the members found new groups to join, in Otterbourne and Chandlers Ford.
Give my love to Wendy if you speak to her. I moved to Emsworth in 2018.
Thank you, Caroline. What with one thing and another l forgot l posted this so l am sorry l didn’t reply at the time. I am still looking for a choir to join so l think l will try to contact Wendy to see if she can help and will pass on your message. I hope you are healthy and happy in Emsworth; l very much enjoy living in Chandler’s Ford, moving here from Southampton in 2019.