I was a soldier (Royal Green Jackets) for 22 years and a truck driver for 23 years and having recently retired now have the time to indulge my passion for woodwork, which started in my school years.
My Quality Control manager is my grandson who happily tests all my creations, sometimes to destruction, which then get remade stronger and better.

All my toys are made from hard woods, Oak, Beech, Mahogany. As you will see from the photos, I do not paint or varnish my toys as I feel the colour of the wood has its own beauty.

I have lived in Bishopstoke since 1986. I have a website called Jeff’s Workshop.
I love what I do, but being retired makes it even more enjoyable, as I don’t have to stop if I don’t want to. Usually I have two or three projects going at the same time, no time wasted waiting for glue to dry etc.
Here are a few more toys that I’ve made:

Fretwork was my first love, way back when I was 11 years old, and cutting things out of plywood to make models, installed a passion that was to last me all my life.
Any secret?
There is great joy in turning a rough piece of wood into something beautiful or something that works or moves, but there is only one secret, and that is to make everything to the best standard and finish possible.
How to contact me: visit Jeff’s Workshop.
What lovely things you have made! Wood is one of my favourite materials and although I have never made anything I developed a real passion for it when renovating my last house when I fixed some skirting boards and built a cupboard under the stairs. I am not yet retired but when I have time I plan to have a bit of a workshop in the garden and start to make some things – more along the lines of a bookcase and a table for my grandsons. There are lots of benefits to being a young nanny but draw backs too – I would love to be retired and spend more time with the grandkids making things! Keep up the good work!
When I found Jeff on Streetlife a few days ago and found out the beautiful things he created, I was speechless. I love the details in his woodwork and of course, my thanks also go to his quality control manager. 🙂
Most important are the memories your grandson will have for the rest of his life. I remember fondly that my grandfather found a useless old pram during WWII. It still had wheels. Soon my sister and I had scooters the envy of every child in the neighbourhood and beyond.
He allowed me into his workshop where I did a lot of damage to nice pieces of wood and sometimes broke the tools.
I showed my grandson how to hammer nails into wood. After hitting his fingers a few times he said, “I’ve got an idea Grandpa; you hold the nail while I hit it.”
I have seen and brought Jeff handiwork and I can see why many people find pleasure owning the things he makes. One of those nice people in the world. Him and his wife are so helpful and I appreciate all they do fir me and my Market. Come down tomorrow and meet him at the market at the Age Concern Hall 10 am to 1pm Fryern Arcade Chandlers Ford or first Saturday October,November,December
I too enjoy woodworking, I admire your skill with wood. I have taken a Walnut log,
Cut it into slabs with a chainsaw, milled the slab to various thicknesses and proceeded to build toys. I have been able to build many cars, trucks and airplanes for my grandkids and great grandkids, I also build one of each for myself.
Do you sell any of the things you make? My brother died recently and although he was not able to say many things, he would always say “Bus 14”. May be TMI, but I would like to use a bus for his urn.
Hi Tracey
I am replying to you because I am Jeff’s son and not sure if he contacted you?? Unfortunately my dad has now been diagnosed with dementia and unfortunately not able to carry on with his passion if you are interested in any items I can check to see if we have any stocked items that meet your requirements. Many thanks for taking an interest.
Best regards