From mid April to early May, it is the time to sow new lawns and to over-seed the dead patches.
If moss is a problem, top dress with a combined fertiliser and moss killer, but make sure you read the instructions on the package before applying to the lawn.
Feed shrubs and roses with a general fertiliser.
- Gently working the fertiliser into the soil using a hoe.
- Tie in the climbing roses as near to horizontal as possible. This will encourage more side-shoots to grow along the stem, and therefore more flowers will be produced. If the rose is allowed to grow upwards it will only produce flowers at the top of the plant.
- Perennials such as Delphiniums, Lupins, Hostas and Lilies will be sending up their new shoots now, and they will need to be protected from the slugs and snails.
- Put plant supports in place for the large perennials, as it is easier than trying to manage this when they have grown too tall.
- Remove frost damaged shoots from the evergreens.
- Start thinking about attaching water butts to your downpipes, to save water for your pots and containers.
Happy gardening everyone!
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