Schools In Chandler’s Ford
Chandler’s Ford Infant School
“Caring now for future success.”
Chandler’s Ford Infant School
Tel: 023 8025 2655
Fryern Infant School
Fryern Infant School
Tel: 023 8026 5931
Fryern Junior School
Fryern Junior School
Tel: 023 8025 4155
Hiltingbury Infant School
“Learning, caring and achieving together.”
Hiltingbury Infant School
Tel: 023 8026 5414
Hiltingbury Junior School
“Learning, caring and achieving together.”
Hiltingbury Junior School
Tel: 023 8026 1808
Knightwood Primary School
“Learn and achieve together.”
Knightwood Primary School
Tel: 023 8026 1900
Merdon Junior School
“Achieving the best for all.”
Merdon Junior School
Tel: 023 8026 5255
Scantabout Primary School
“Achieving our best together.”
Scantabout Primary School
Tel: 023 8026 6892
St. Francis Church of England Primary School
St. Francis Church of England Primary School
Tel: 023 8027 1178
St. Swithun Wells RC Primary School
“Learning, caring and praying together.”
St. Swithun Wells RC Primary School
Tel: 023 8026 6210
Thornden Secondary School
Thornden Secondary School
Tel: 023 8026 9722
Toynbee Secondary School
“Personal best.”
The Toynbee Secondary School
Tel: 023 8029 9026
Lakeside School
(BESD school)
Lakeside School
Tel: 023 8026 6633
Sherborne House School
Sherborne House School
Tel: 023 8025 2440
Colleges in Eastleigh and Winchester
Barton Peveril College
Barton Peveril College
Tel: 023 8036 7200
Eastleigh College
“Learning for Success.”
Eastleigh College
Tel: 023 8091 1000
Peter Symonds College
Peter Symonds College
Tel: 01962 857 500
- Hampshire County Council: Hampshire school holidays and school term dates
- Chandler’s Ford Library: website: Oakmount Road SO53 2LH Tel: 0845 6035 631
- Chandler’s Ford U3A: Chandler’s Ford U3A: Meeting at 2pm on the third Monday of each month at the Dovetail Centre of Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church
- The Department for Education: Performance Tables – Local Authority results
- The Open University: OpenLearn: The home of free learning
- FutureLearn: Learning for Life: free, high quality online courses
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