What a glorious day today.
Chandler’s Ford Scout District St. George’s Day Parade and Service took place this afternoon.
Many Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts, leaders and adult supporters all attended and it was a happy occasion in the community.
Here are some photographs of the day.

The Mayor of Eastleigh Councillor Des Scott and Mayoress Mrs. Ve Scott also attended the service. The District Commissioner is John Leeks.
The parade was led by the brilliant 14th Eastleigh – Spitfires Scout Marching Band.
Here is a very short clip of part of the parade taken on Winchester Road, as the group was marching into the Methodist Church.
After the church service, they were marching back to Merdon School.
Many people watched the parade this afternoon (and I also noticed one person holding the flag of England). You also see familiar faces every year at the parade. I also met up with some old friends today. The local coffee shops this afternoon were very popular as adults were waiting patiently to watch the parade.
St. George’s Day Service at the Methodist Church
The church service was led by Reverend Christine Whitehead, the chaplain to the Chandler’s Ford District Scouts. She is also an assistant Curate in the Parish of Chandler’s Ford.

Reverend Christine Whitehead said,
The readings were Ephesians 6: 10-17 where St Paul talks of putting on the armour of God to help us fight evil whilst remaining in fellowship with God.
We also had John 15: 1-8 where Jesus reminds us that he is the vine and God the Gardener who tends the vine. Jesus urges us to remain in his love.
In the sermon we considered briefly that these two readings are rich in ways to help us do what is right and good, and then we re-told the story of St George using the Roger Hurn adaptation with active participation in the following actions:
Dragon – Roar and sweeping arms like a glider.
Town or people – Stand up and stamping feet.
Any mention of food or hunger – rubbing tummy and saying “yum yum in my tum”.
Princess – acting out putting on a crown and giving a royal wave.
Any animal – making the sound of that animal.
Horse – Neigh sound and pretending to riding a horse.
Warrior or knight – making a fanfare sound.
George – Cheer: “hip hip hurrah”.
After this I finished by reminding those present that today is St George’s day and our readings and our Scouting promise show us how we should protect others and God offers us the tools we need to allow us to live like St George and protect others. Let us pray that we can live up to the example of St George.
Our prayers were an time of reflection followed by placing the collection (and or a stone) on the place in the district, country, Europe or the world, where we wanted God to help those in need and at the end of the activity there was representation for the whole world demonstrated. We drew the prayers together with the Lord’s prayer.
The collection was going to Fledge, a charity that helps homeless teenagers and young people.
Christine said, “I think that it can be said that a great time was had by all, everyone participated. I even saw the Mayor of Eastleigh doing some of the actions!”
The order of the 2017 parade was as follows
- St. George (flag) and Escort (Explorers)
- Union Flag (from 3rd Chandlers Ford) and Escort
- 3rd Chandlers Ford
- 4th Chandlers Ford
- Band
- 15th Chandlers Ford
- 1st Chandlers Ford
- 1st Hursley Scout Group
- 2nd Chandlers Ford
- District Explorer Scouts
- District Flag
- Scout Activity Support Team and District Leaders
It was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. Many thanks for everyone who took part today. You’ve brought joy and wonderful music to the community today. Moreover, you’ve also defined the meaning of ‘community spirit’.
A wonderful event, Janet!
I marched with the Scouts as a leader for 15 years in Chandlers Ford and it was always a highlight of the year for all of us. While so many dates have slowly disappeared from the calendar, it’s great to see that St George’s Day is still celebrated as it should be with the Scout Association taking a deserved lead.
Indeed. What a brilliant display today! The marching band, and the Scouts were all superb! A proud day today and congratulations to the District Commissioner John Leeks and his dedicated team.
And note that this was the third parade led by The Spitfires today. Eastleigh first, then Winchester and finally Chandler’s Ford.
I asked my teenage son to tell me what the church service was like today as he is one of the Explorers and he attended the service.
He told me the service was quite funny. There was an interactive story about St. George (apparently, according to the teenager, it was to entertain Beaver and Cub Scouts). “Yummy, yummy, rub my tummy.”
He told me someone was being awarded for her service of 50 years, and there was another award for a leader who is retiring.