St. George’s Day Parade in Chandler’s Ford took place this afternoon at 2.30pm.
In last year’s parade, Carolyn Darbyshire MBE retired as District Commissioner.
In today’s parade, we met Chandler’s Ford’s new District Commissioner John Leeks.
John has been a leader with the third Chandler’s Ford Scout group for 27 years. John told me he is proud of leading the thriving Chandler’s Ford district, with over 700 members, and today about 400 members took part in this grand parade.

Chandler’s Ford photographer Alan Fry, of Alan Fry Photography, today helped taking photographs to record this precious event.
Alan is very happy in sharing his photos with the Chandler’s Ford community. See the slideshow:
Order of Parade 2015
The order of the 2015 parade was as follows:
- St. George (flag) and Escort
- District Explorer Scouts
- Union Flag carried by 1st Hursley
- 1st Hursley Scout Group
- 2nd Chandler’s Ford
- 3rd Chandler’s Ford
- 14th Eastleigh Scout and Guide Band
- 4th Chandler’s Ford
- 15th Chandler’s Ford
- 1st Chandler’s Ford
- District Flag carried by Lewis Bradley (2015)
- Scout Activity Support Team and District Leaders
The parade was led by the 14th Eastleigh Scout and Guide Band, and the St. George’s Colour Party.

Parade started at 2.30pm. The parade left Merdon Junior School from Merdon Avenue, turned right into Winchester Road and then left into the Methodist Church.

St. George’s Day service at the Methodist Church
A short service took place at the Methodist Church, led by the Reverend Christine Whitehead, Curate of the Parish Church of Chandler’s Ford.
The readings were Revelation 12:7-9 from the readings for St George’s day about St. Michael and his angels fighting the dragon, and John 10:11-15 from the Gospel for the day about Jesus being the good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. These were read by a Scout and a Cub.
Christine talked about her experience at the Galway festival some years ago of seeing a large yellow JCB dressed as a dragon shooting flames of fire into the air. It was both spectacular and frightening.
This was linked to the legend of St. George and the dragon as it must be a frightening experience to fight a dragon. The members of the scouting troops and Christine then considered Norbert the baby Dragon of Hagrid’s from Harry potter.
Christine said dragon represents those things large or small that we would rather not face as they are either too difficult or resisting them will place us in a difficult place.
Making the world a better place
Christine made links to the Gospel reading and the response as Christians in their beliefs and as Scouts in their promises that we should strive to stand up to the dragons, those things we would rather not face and find so difficult so that we were standing up for others and making the world a better place.
After the parade, I went to the podium and took this group picture of the leaders in our local community.

The people in the picture above are: (from left to right)
- Gloria Brown, Division President of Girlguiding in Chandler’s Ford
- Janet Skiba, Division Commander of Girlguiding in Chandler’s Ford
- Ian Moran, Chandler’s Ford District Chairman
- Christine Whitehead, Curate of the parish church of Chandler’s Ford
- Gordon Brakewell, ACC Development Hampshire
- John Leeks, Chandler’s Ford District Commissioner
- Margaret Patrick, Assistant County Commissioner (District Support)
- Diana Jacobs, President of Chandler’s Ford District
Finally, these are some of the unsung heroes, who made today’s St. George’s Day parade in Chandler’s Ford such a successful and memorable event.

As an Assistant Scout Leader with the 4th Chandlers Ford I paraded for 15 years on St George’s Day parade. A wonderful experience.
Are you joining this year? Don’t be shy…
I have just been to the St George’s Day concert at Thornden School. It was an excellent evening’s entertainment. Chandler’s Ford Concert Orchestra and the West End Singers gave a very polished performance, the two conductors certainly got the best out of orchestra and choir, first class from every aspect. We are very lucky to have such a super concert hall on our doorstep. Thanks to all concerned.
Hi Pat,
I’m glad you had an enjoyable evening. St. George’s Day concert at Thornden Hall has always been popular. Many thanks to Rotary Club of Chandler’s Ford & Itchen Valley for bringing great music to the community year after year.
Alan’s photos are lovely and really caught the young people very well. It’s nice to see our marshals mentioned too. The Spitfires always give a good performance and since it didn’t rain on us that makes for a good parade!
This is only the second parade that the newly reformed 1st Hursley Group has attended and we were honoured to be at the front of the parade with the Group’s Union Jack. It was a delight to see so many Scouts turn out on a grey day.
Great article and pictures. I’ve never been that keen on dragons myself. Always seen them as a very dangerous lizard!
I remember many years ago, there used to be a (non threatening) dragon in their parade, but I haven’t seen any dragon for a few years. Where has the dragon gone? I quite like him back.
Western dragons seem to be very sinister, almost demon-like. However in the Chinese culture, dragons are auspicious creatures, who with power and glory bring good fortune to the people. Chinese people are proud to call themselves ‘descendents of dragon’, and ‘dragon’ is a a popular name for boys (Jackie Chan’s Chinese name is ‘dragon’) . In cross-culture translation, dragon is a concept that is always lost in translation.