One Community is shocked by Hampshire County Council’s Proposal to end funding for Community Transport and Dial-A-Ride across the county, and has started a petition to save community transport in Eastleigh.
One Community will challenge this proposal, which will affect the quality of life of thousands of older and disabled people in our local community.

You can sign the petition on the site: Petition · Councillor Roy Perry: Save Dial-a-Ride and Community Transport.
Or you could sign in person at:
- One Community, 16 Romsey Road, Eastleigh SO50 9AL
- Eastleigh Museum, 25 High Street, Eastleigh SO50 5LF
- Eastleigh Shopmobility, Unit 2, Swan Centre, Wells Place, Eastleigh SO50 9SG
The proposal is set to go to cabinet on 16 October and then full council for a formal decision at the beginning of November.
Here is a short video clip showing you the importance of community transport services in our community:
Save Community Transport
In a statement, Our Community said:
Our Community Transport and Dial A Ride passengers depend on these services to remain active in their local community. Without them they will remain at home, unable to shop independently, visit friends and family or get to lunch clubs, social groups and day centres.
Transport is always chief among the issues raised by older people responding to the Council’s own Older People’s Health & Wellbeing surveys, and with the growing number of older people living longer with disabilities and health conditions, the need for these services has never been greater.
Community transport services provide a lifeline to vulnerable people, and keeping active and engaged is essential to their well-being.
One Community will challenge this proposal, because we care passionately about our passengers.
HCC announced they propose to cut #CommunityTransport Join us in speaking up against this & sign & RT:
— One Community (@1_Comm) September 13, 2017

Eastleigh Dial-A-Ride
Eastleigh Dial-A-Ride is a door-to-door transport service for people living in the borough of Eastleigh who find it difficult or impossible to use ordinary bus services.On average, Eastleigh Dial-A-Ride carries out 20,000 passenger trips a year. Registered users can travel anywhere in the borough of Eastleigh and on three days a week to West Quay Shopping Centre in Southampton. The service operates six days a week.
One Community Transport
One Community Transport provides group transport for community and charitable organisations who are registered members of One Community.Our volunteer drivers regularly transport passengers to a variety of destinations using our modern fleet of accessible minibuses. The vehicles are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
I’ve signed and posted to FB. My husband and I used to drive the minibuses for our Church. Sometimes it was the only time that these elderly or frail people could leave their houses and experience some social interaction. How can HCC think that its fine to strand them?
Thank you Cecily. I have also signed the petition. I have seen the buses in Chandler’s Ford doing a brilliant job. Without the buses and the volunteers, more and more people will be left extremely vulnerable, and they’ll also lose their independence. HCC understands Social Isolation and Loneliness in Hampshire as explained in this document, health needs assessment, and funding to the vulnerable groups should not be cut.
My friends depend on getting their shopping via dial a ride and get on so well with the regular driver.
Indeed, J. So many people in our community rely on these buses to get around, to have a bit of independence and social life. As an inclusive and caring society, these valuable services should not be taken away from them. We need to promote their wellbeing and fight loneliness and social exclusion.