Do you know anyone who worked at Hendy before?
Rebecca Hendy from The Hendy Group is updating the company’s History Book. The company is very interested in producing a chapter based on local people who have worked at Hendy or their experience of Hendy over the years.

The Hendy Group was founded in 1859 by FA Hendy, who started manufacturing bikes in Whitchurch and then latterly in Southampton. However, it wasn’t until 1910 that Hendy Ford became the first Ford Dealer in Britain when Percy Hendy met Henry Ford off his boat in Southampton and signed the very first contract to buy and sell Ford cars.

Since then the company has grown significantly and now sells other makes of cars and vans across the South Coast.
The Hendy Group has been a part of Chandler’s Ford since the 1950s with the main Ford dealership on Bournemouth Road, Hendy Leisure on Winchester Road, Hendy Truck in School Lane, and now the new flagship dealership in Leigh Road.
Consequently, over the years many local people have worked at Hendy Ford, Hendy Truck, Hendy Hire or one of their other companies.
Rebecca Hendy said, “We would really like to hear your stories of your time with us so that we can publish your stories, memories and pictures in our History Book and celebrate the important roles our employees have made over the years.”
If you would like to contribute your stories please contact Rebecca Hendy on
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Memories!! Dad, Maurice Hatley ran Brooklyn Engineering, Cuckoo Bushes Lane from the late 1940s until he sold up in 1966. Hendys supplied all our vehicles during that time, the last one we bought from them was the Ford 5000 tractor Dad took to Devon. He took away all their scrap vehicles, sometimes towing home coaches behind the Zephyr estate car, this had a 15 cwt van axle put in it to tow trailers!!
Hi Christine
Thank you for your comment.
That’s a really great story; I don’t suppose you have any photos to go with it? It would be great to see some of the old tractor images.
Hi my name is Ian Harkness . I did an Agricultural apprenticeship at Chandlersford depot from 1963 when I was 17 untill 1967 when Agricultural division was closed down . I was trained to recondition Ford engines . We also converted standard engines with Turbo’s in house for the R.L.N.I. these engines were called Barracuda . .I also was involved in reconditioning 2 Fowler Challengers 1 Case LA and a Case 1000 crawlers for the R.L.N.I. we also made the power packs up to go in the Hymac Excavators. I must have had one of the best apprenticeships . I have worked as a mechanical fitter on farms in factories and the Nuclear industry , I have just retired at 70 years old.
Hi Ian.
Thank you so much for getting in touch. Would you like to share your memory with us in more detail? It would be great to hear more.
Kind regards
Rebecca Hendy
I have so many memories it was such a friendly place to work. All the engineers and managers were so well informed and the work ethic was so much better than today’s youngsters. We used to cover the South of England repairing Ford and New Holland agricultural equipment .We used to travel to Merthyr Tydfil in Wales to do warranty work on the Ford engines do the repairs and travel back the same day .