A warm welcome to everyone to the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in St. Boniface (CofE) Church in Hursley Road on Sunday 20 December at 6.30pm.
The service is designed to last about an hour, and includes most of the best-known carols for the congregation and choir to sing, plus five short pieces for choir only, and the traditional Christmas readings.

This service, together with the Midnight Eucharist on Christmas Eve, is one of the major celebrations at St. Boniface of the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem two thousand years ago. It is part of the long Advent progression towards Christmas that began with the Advent Sunday Eucharist and an evening service entitled ‘The Light and Peace of Jesus Christ’ (with readings and music designed to look ahead to the coming of Christ, the Light of the world).
Recently the church was full for the annual Christingle service (at which everyone was given a ‘christingle’ – an orange representing the world, with a candle representing Christ the Light of the world). We have also hosted the Scouts’ Carol Service, again with all seats filled.
This service was the final event in the triennial Christmas Tree Festival in which various groups and organisations each contributed a decorated Christmas tree, a coffee morning was held, tea and cake were served, and the organ was played by local organists.

St. Boniface Church: Hursley Road, Chandler’s Ford SO53 2FT.
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