Update: Go Kart 2016 by Eastleigh Lions: Friday 19th February 2016
Lions Club of Eastleigh (which covers the whole of the northern part of Eastleigh Borough) are running their 6th Charity Go Kart Challenge on Friday 19th February 2016.
Lions Club of Eastleigh also funds and runs the Message in a Bottle scheme, which is particularly useful for vulnerable people, as it saves the emergency services valuable time in a crisis.

What is the Message in a Bottle scheme?
The Lions’ Message In a Bottle scheme is designed to encourage people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge.
How does the Message in a Bottle scheme work?
The personal information is kept in a small plastic bottle. The bottle has a push-fit lid and is big enough to hold the necessary information. The bottle is then kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will expect to look for it in the event of being called to your home.
They will be alerted to the membership of the scheme by two ‘green cross’ labels. One is fixed to the back of the front door (or the door most used to access the premises), the second is attached to the door of the fridge.
Where can you get a bottle from?
You can get the bottles from health centres, GP surgeries and chemists. Some community centres or churches will also have some bottles.
The bottle is free of charge.
Contact: Dave Bowring
Fundraising Lions Club of Eastleigh
Telephone: 023 8025 2975
Mobile: 07580 744 618
Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organisation with 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 205 countries.
Lions are men and women who volunteer their time for humanitarian causes. Founded in 1917 by Melvin Jones, the Lions’ motto is We Serve.
Related posts:
- Article Series: Eastleigh Lions: Message in a Bottle
- Article Series: Eastleigh Lions: Champions of the Blind
- Eastleigh Lions: Brambridge Park Santa’s Grotto 2014
- Eastleigh Lions: Bravery Certificates
- Eastleigh Lions: £1000 To Eastleigh Basics Bank
- Santa’s Grotto at Brambridge Park – Christmas 2015
- Where are Defibrillators Located in Chandler’s Ford?
- Inspirational Eastleigh Volunteers Fair
Note: The original post was published in 2014.
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Did you know that it was also the Lions Club that introduced white sticks for visually-impaired people?
Thanks for this information, Ruby. I didn’t know about that! Please explain if you know more. Many thanks.
A few years ago I went to the launch of the Message in a Bottle scheme in Eastleigh. It was one of the bits of background information that was given in the presentation, but I don’t know a lot more than that.
What took you to the Message in a Bottle launch? I haven’t been invited to the launch of any event. I would like to know more as you sounded rather important.