Plant summer flowering bulbs. There are plenty on sale at the garden centres. Read the packet for best planting times.
Lilies look great planted in large containers on the patio.
Protect new spring shoots from slugs.
- Top dress your patio pots with some fresh compost.
- Deal with the new growth of weeds before they get out of hand.
- Bulbs that you have had indoors over the winter, such as hyacinth, can be planted out in the garden this month.
- Perennials can now be divided if necessary.
- Feed the borders with a general purpose fertiliser, taking care to read the manufacturer’s recommended rate.
- Start to cut the lawn, keeping the blades high for the first few cuts.
- Shrubs can be pruned this month. Shorten long shoots by cutting directly above a pair of buds. Cut out weak or damaged growth.
I would like to inform you all that I am now fully retired and will no longer be trading as a garden designer. However I will be continuing with my newsletter every couple of months.
Happy gardening everyone!
[…] soul must be in the gardens. Now the snowdrops, crocus and daffodils are passed we are seeing camellia, magnolia, azalea and […]