Now is the time to divide beared irises, replant sections that have two or more fans on them. Keep watering plants, especially newly planted ones, young vegetables, containers and hanging baskets.
Protect plants from slugs and snails.
Cut down oriental poppies to ground level after they have flowered, and they will send up new foliage. Check roses for signs of blackspot, aphids and leaf rolling sawfly damage. Cut down daffodil bulbs now as it has been at least 6 weeks since they flowered. Thin out or trim back Clemitis Montana if it needs controlling. Make sure that herbaceous perennials that need staking have some support otherwise they can flop over and the stems can then be damaged trying bring them upright again.
Net soft fruit bushes to stop the birds taking the fruit. Remove side shoots from cordon grown tomatoes. First early potatoes can be harvested when they begin to flower. Plant out sweetcorn in blocks, rather than rows as this will aid pollination. Prune ornamental cherries after flowers have faded. Keep pruning cuts to a minimum as they do not heal well and can allow in diseases such as canker.
Regularly mow lawns, mowing in different directions to prevent wear patterns and to encourage upright growth. Apply a high-nitrogen summer lawn fertilizer can be applied if there isn’t drought conditions.
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