Geoff and Vicki are travelling to all 2,563 railway stations in Great Britain. So far they have visited 459 stations, including Chandler’s Ford station (see the video at the end of this post).
All The Stations is a project to travel to ALL the national railway stations in Britain in just three months, and to create an online documentary film about the journey.
Geoff is a freelance video editor and transport vlogger and Vicki is a museum education professional. In this latest project their aim is to capture the current status of Britain’s railways, and bring them to life as they explore the reality of the places and people they encounter along the way.
Here is the video for their trip they took on Thursday 11th May 2017, from Weymouth to Chandler’s Ford.
I did not think this through – Episode 5, Day 5 – Weymouth to Chandler’s Ford
@allthestations Just to say the wooden train you came across at Chandler's Ford station is called Fordy.
— Janet Williams (@cfordtoday) May 20, 2017
I’ve really enjoyed watching this and the enthusiastic young couple. Thanks for sharing it.
Cheers Mary
P.S. I too think the wooden train at the station is fun. Well done to The Shed Guys!
Thank Mary. Indeed their train seris is quite fun to watch – they met so many interesting people!
I’ll keep you posted about the train planter (Fordy) – hope we’ll see some flowers soon!